Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tee-ing off!

T-ball started tonight.  Joel's first game of the season.  He is the youngest and smallest on the team, but he did great!  I'm attaching some pics of the game and I hope to get a little bit of video on here.  The best way to see any video is by visiting: http://fortner4.blogspot.com/

Pregame warrior face!

Riding the pine!  (this is just waiting on his turn to bat)

Making contact!  He said later that he "knocked the fire out of the ball!"

Trotting to second base.

Ready for action!

Beating out the throw!

After game posing

His pic for the Ol School baseball card

Pretending to be asleep going home

Both boys hamming it up!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Family member

I don't know how many times I've said to other people that we didn't need a dog, would never have a dog, we already have 2 kids, we don't need no stinkin' dog!  Well, we got a dog.  A stray walked up to the house over Valentine's weekend and I asked Leanna if we could keep her.  What a dope I am!

She is not as scruffy, she has been groomed but I don't have a recent pic

Her name is Molly, she's a mutt.  But she is our mutt now. 

Signs were posted around town for anyone who might have lost a dog, but nobody claimed her.  Then I spent 180 bucks at the vet so now if anyone wants her back they need to cough up 180 bucks plus the cost of food if they want her back!  She is housebroken.  I don't know how that happened, she just came that way!  Stories around town were that some truck was passing through town and stopped long enough to drop her and another dog off then they left.  At least that is what the guy at the town store says.  Just on our street alone it is like Wild Kingdom with all the cats and dogs running around.  At first, we ignored her, but then I (Jason) gave her water, food, and a blanket and she slept in the shed for a couple of days until I convinced Leanna to let her in. 

More at Cowboy Stadium

Floating silver helmets? Is this Heaven? No, its Arlington!

I liked this wall, it "speaks" for itself!

The entrance into the holy of holies, the Cowboy locker room.

Jeffrey in front of his favorite player's locker (Tony Romo). At a cost of around 9,000 per locker they wouldn't let us touch it, sit in it or even smell it. 

Joel's neck is going to be so sore!

Walking into the cheerleader locker room, no cheerleaders, just lockers.  Joel didn't want to have anything to do with it.  He didn't want to look at the grills (girls)!

Joel isn't asleep, he crammed his cap down so he wouldn't see the girls.

It's March! You just gotta fly a kite!

On this day that we flew kites, the weather wasn't windy, but somehow we were able to fly some kites.  Joel, at first, freaked that it was going to fly away, but when he realized it was going to stay attached to the string, he calmed down.

Jeffrey flying like an old pro
There's a smile

Wal-mart special but totally worth it, didn't tear up even after getting caught in a tree while dad tried to yank it out.

This is as high as it gets for Joel.

Spring Break at the Holy Land

This past week we traveled to Dallas and toured the Cowboy stadium. The boys loved it, Jason loved the world's biggest TV and the cheerleader lockerrooms.

We were able to park right next to the stadium, for FREE! First time and last time ever!

The Boys decked out in their "boys" gear.

Stare in awe at the wonder that is THE BIGGEST HD TV IN THE WORLD! Tour guide said the TV cost 40 million and that the old stadium was built for a cost of 35 million. He also said that the only thing Jerry Jones loves more than the Cowboys is his TV.....smart man.

Where have you been?

September! Really? The last post was in September? Man, I have fallen down on the job. I plan on posting more. They won't be in order (that bugs me) but I guess that's the way I do things....in order they won't be.