Spring break is on it way to being over and it went by WAY too fast. I wish that I could say that we had a restful Spring Break, but.....for some reason I can't. We didn't do too much, but it definitely wasn't restful. We started out the week with lunch with Grandma and Grandpa in Midland. We had baseball cards to exchange. We had a great QUICK visit with them. We left from there and went on to Abilene. The boys were going crazy. They had no idea where we were going or what we were doing. We had a scenic tour around places in Abilene that I wish never to revisit. Needless to say, we don't know our way around very well in Abilene. We finally got to the motel and got all checked in. As far as the boys were concerned, we could have stopped right there. They would have been perfectly happy just staying at the motel and swimming. They were so excited! We went to eat and to play putt putt. Let me just say that Putt Putt with a 3yr old is interesting. As we were paying for a game, Jeffrey bent down and picked up a $20 bill. I knew we kept him around for a reason. Tuesday morning we got up and went to the Abilene Zoo. We had a GREAT time. For a smaller zoo, this was one of the best ones I have been to. Every animal had a name from the movie Madegascar. We got to actually feed some of the animals. They have a bridge that you can walk on and you are at head level to the giraffes. WE FED MELMAN!!!!! From there, we went to the Grace Museum. (Not that great for kids.) We ate lunch and messed around a little longer and then made our way to Mark and Jennifer's house in Albany. They fed us supper before we headed home.

After the adventures in Abilene, we came home and had a day of inpromtu baseball practice and then a day for REAL baseball practice. That was followed by a day for T-ball practice. Friday was boys night Spring Break Style.

Before we knew it, Saturday was here and now we are at Sunday evening. Time for supper, bath and bed. School starts tomorrow.
Stay tuned for Rock Band highlights featuring Jason and Jeffrey from Mark and Jennifer's house.
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